
CreateashortURL.LearnmoreaboutGoogleURLs.,TheGoogleURLShorteneratgoo.glisaservicethattakeslongURLsandsqueezesthemintofewercharacterstomakealinkeasiertoshare,tweet, ...,GoogleURLShortener(又稱,是Google自2009年起為桌面版提供的網址縮短服務功能,能大幅縮短冗長的網址,方便將連結與其他人分享,或透過Twitter訊息、 ...,2018年3月31日—Google短網址(GoogleURLShortener)怎麼說走就走!2009年推出...

Create a short URL

Create a short URL. Learn more about Google URLs.

Google URL Shortener

The Google URL Shortener at is a service that takes long URLs and squeezes them into fewer characters to make a link easier to share, tweet, ...

Google URL Shortener

Google URL Shortener(又稱,是Google自2009年起為桌面版提供的網址縮短服務功能,能大幅縮短冗長的網址,方便將連結與其他人分享,或透過Twitter訊息、 ...

Google 宣布4 月終止短網址服務,同場加映4 個無痛轉用的 ...

2018年3月31日 — Google 短網址(Google URL Shortener)怎麼說走就走! 2009 年推出,將於 2018 年4 月13 日關閉這項服務,但是已經創造出來的網址依然可以使用,並且 ...

Short URL

ShortURL is a tool to shorten a long link and create a short URL easy to share on sites, chat and emails. Track short URL traffic and manage your links.

The 6 best URL shorteners in 2024

For years, the Google URL Shortener was a simple and free way to shorten them to something more manageable, but it was shut down back in 2019. The good news is, ...

Url Shortener

2023年8月25日 — The best way to create short links using T.LY,, Bitly, Rebrandly, TinyUrl, and more!